What is wellness?

It impacts our emotions, physical well being, and controls the actions an individual makes. We'll show you some ways a few ways that you can do to improve your wellness!

Physical Wellness

Physical wellness is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get the most out of our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. Being Physically well greatly impacts your health.

A few sources to help you get started:

Mental Wellness

Your mentality may play the biggest role in everyday life. The ability to control your feelings, your decisions, and even your ability to deal with tough situations with the right mindset comes from your level of mental wellness. If your mental wellness is not taken care of, you may often find yourself overly stressed or have an explosion of emotions at once. We have provided a couple activities that you can practice or try out if you feel like you're not doing mentally well. That's okay, it's tough right now!! You can get through this!!